Andy Bainbridge has asked me to post this paper by Eamonn Canniffe of the Manchester School of Architecture. It’s a critique of the urban regeneration program undertaken by Manchester City Council over the last 15 years.
“Manchester’s regeneration has accelerated to place it as a frequently cited exemplar of British urban policy. Questions remain, however, as to whether the trickledown urbanism to which it is host represents a sustainable urban future, most especially in social terms.
To base an urban strategy, as Manchester has done, on the needs of the independently mobile is to abandon the young, the elderly and the poor to an impoverished existence.“

The two sides of modern day Manchester? Shameless advertisement in front of the Beetham Tower 2005-06
AndyB Says: October 3rd, 2009 at 7:30 am cheers mike for posting this. I think it would be good for MA students.
Tommy Says: October 5th, 2009 at 2:36 pm Where did the photo come from?
Mike Rigby Says: October 9th, 2009 at 3:01 pm Hey Tommy, It’s embedded into the pdf. Taken during a shameless poster campaign in 05.
The link to the original paper is in the sidebar.
Thanks to Andy Bainbridge and Mike Rigby.